Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chocolate Skittles

It sounded gross to me but my impulse buy wasn't a disappoint. They taste like maybe a chocolate laffy taffy. I think what sold me on them was the fun flavors. Come on, who can pass up a flavor like smores?

Have you had them?


Kristi said...

I liked some of them but not others. I think I'll stick to the originals....however not too much cause they stick to me! arrrggghhh

Shelley said...

Skittles is a candy that isn't even on my radar--chocolate or regular. Thank goodness there is at least one item of junk food that I don't like.

Lara said...

I, too, am skeptical about chocolate Skittles. I can't say I've even been tempted to try them, chocolate-lover that I am and all. I love the regular ones, though!

regibells said...

Hmm...if it's fake choclate it doesn't sound too's all about the real, melt in your mouth texture when it comes to choclate...flavor alone doesn't do it for me....but I would be willing to try one...maybe.