Thursday, October 04, 2007

Just Another Package

I just have to vent a minute. Every day this week, either UPS, DHL, or the USPS has come by with a package to Matt Andersen. Yes here it is Thursday and I haven't heard the bell ring yet, but I'm awaiting. What next?

Well yesterday I was getting after him because about once a week something comes from Apple. Usually something we don't need and maybe will never use but we've got to have the latest. This time though Matt had me open it. Okay, and why would I want to open it? I ended up doing the normal rip job on the box to find a brand new pink iPod for me. This was make up for Matt putting mine through the wash. Well even though it comes from the same bank account it was a lot more exciting for me to get something from Apple when I was least expecting it.

I guess I get all fired up about his spendy habits but realize that I can't change him and after all sometimes he makes up for it.


Lara said...

Woo Hoo! A pink IPod for you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful suprise!

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool unexpected gift!:)

Leezy Lindsey said...

I guess Matt was trying to make up for the boob comment...

Seriously though, what a great suprise!